Hoffman Academy is on a mission to bring music into homes around the world. Their award-winning approach to musical education, both in-person and online, emphasizes fun and curiosity and encourages students to start making music right away. With this in mind, Mad Fish partnered with Hoffman Academy to drive awareness and consideration of their Premium memberships through creative sprint campaigns, like the New Year Piano Challenge.
The Results
Increase in Revenue
Return on Ad Spend
Increase in Overall
Transactions Year-Over-Year
The Challenge
Hoffman Academy was looking for a fresh way to engage their audience in 2021 and avoid sale burnout after the holidays. We launched the New Year Piano Challenge as a way to introduce new users to Hoffman Academy, build community through newsletters and social media, and create a soft-sale opportunity for users to continue their musical journey with Hoffman Academy Premium.
Our Approach
Mad Fish collaborated with Hoffman to develop a piano challenge tailored to engaging students at any level. It went like this: start 2021 by playing the piano every day for 14 days. Although simple, it proved to be very effective. We married the creative designs from the Hoffman team with our social advertising strategy and email marketing lead nurture campaign to increase membership and engagement.
The New Year campaign offered free, audience-favorite educational resources, including a helpful practice calculator and free tutorials. Students were featured using a community hashtag, and information about the merits of the Hoffman Method was shared to help answer any lingering questions.
Campaign Highlights
685 Free accounts created
299 premium memberships purchased
11,068 clicks generated
The Results
With this campaign, we demonstrated the value of Hoffman Academy Premium in a way that resonated with a wide variety of their students. We were able to attribute a 116% increase in Premium memberships to this New Year campaign. This resulted in a 44% increase in overall membership revenue.
* designs were created by the Hoffman in-house team
Services Implemented
- Paid Social Campaign Management & Optimization
- Email Marketing Campaigns
- Landing Page Content Testing
- Data Analytics & Reporting