Where are you located and what is your favorite thing about it?
Charlottesville, VA.
The community here, particularly the arts scene, is what’s kept me in Charlottesville for the past 10 years. Charlottesville has great bookstores, theaters, and bands for a city its size.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Write, read, and produce YouTube videos.
Have any bucket list item(s)?
Become fully fluent in a language other than English.
What’s your passion project?
I published a novella in 2023 and am working on a full-length novel. The novella took me 7 years to write, so who knows how long the novel will take.
Why did you pick Mad Fish Digital?
For its culture and values.
What is your favorite genre of music to listen to while you work?
Instrumental. Mainly Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.
Share a fun fact about yourself!
I’m a southpaw.
If you have a pet, tell us about them.
I’d love to have a dog someday but don’t currently have one.
What do you add to the team outside of work?
I like to think I keep the mood light in any conversation I join. I’m always ready to quip or crack a joke.