Our paid media team is growing! Get to know our paid media strategist, Katie Weed who joins that Mad Fish team from Brooklyn, New York.
Where did you go to school?
Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont
What did you major in?
Marketing with a minor in event management
Where are you from?
Vermont! Born and raised, about 20 minutes from Burlington and 40 minutes from Canada
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Outside of quarantine, I love doing hot yoga, hiking and horseback riding. Inside, I enjoy puzzles and watching YouTube/Tik Tok. This year I’ve been (trying to) learn French and also learn more about astrology, something I’ve always been interested in.
Favorite podcast (or media organization if you don’t have a show in particular)?
So many! My Favorite Murder, And That’s Why We Drink, Armchair Expert, Beach Too Sandy Water Too Wet, Unfiltered, The Sip…list goes on.
Bucket list item(s).
Right now, be on Survivor. I’ve watched nearly all 40 seasons over the past year 🙂
What’s your passion project?
I love to see people actualize their dreams so anything that could align to teaching/helping/growing.
Why did you pick Mad Fish?
Mad Fish felt like a great place to really grow my career, get re-invested in the digital space and continue figuring out how to align my passions/morals with my career.
Favorite genre of music to work to/link to your favorite Spotify playlist to listen to at work?
If it’s not a podcast, it’s some kind of early 2000’s rap/hip-hop/pop.
Fun fact about yourself.
I went to college in three different countries
Show us a picture of your pet if you have one.
This is Kermit, the cat.
What do you add to the team outside of work?
I hope I can just bring a good attitude and positivity. And I’ll let everyone know when mercury is out of retrograde.