With over 500 million users, Facebook is the largest and most engaged community in the world. The smartest marketers on Earth are making a lot of money with Facebook. Are you?
Facebook Marketing – How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Business from Zeke Camusio on Vimeo.
Facebook Marketing
View more presentations from zcamusio
In this webinar I’ll show you all you need to know about Facebook Marketing:
- How successful marketers approach potential partners and clients on Facebook (and how you can do the same).
- The 7 deadliest mistakes people make on Facebook (and how you can avoid them).
- Facebook Pages or Profiles: Which one is right for you?
- How to use the News Feed, groups, pages and events effectively (It’s not as obvious as you think!)
- How to integrate Facebook and your website (I’ll reveal my favorite secrets here!)
- 10 sure-fire ways to get thousands of qualified friends and fans!
- How to use contests to skyrocket your traffic (I’ll share all the secrets that Fortune 500 companies are using in their contests.)
- Case Studies: I’ll analyze 10 of the most successful Facebook pages so you can see what works and what doesn’t.
- Facebook Ads: All the tricks used by the most experienced Facebook advertising experts in the world.
- How to do all this in as little time as possible (After all, you have a business to run!)
When Is It?
Thursday, November 11 at 11am PST.
Thursday, November 11 at 11am PST.
The webinar will be 30 minutes long and we’ll have a 15-minute Q&A section afterword.
Register NOW!
Enter your name and email address and we’ll email you the information so you can join the seminar from your own computer or phone.