Every so often, Mad Fish SEO comes across organizations so important to local communities that we jump at the opportunity to get involved. Direction Service is just such an organization.
Direction Service of Eugene is a local non-profit corporation that helps families of children with disabilities and special needs get the services, care and programs they need. The group strives to reduce stress and confusion for these families by helping them access resources they may not have otherwise known were available. Much of the work provided by Direction Service is done in conjunction with a child’s school to ensure that each child is getting the right kind of education for their needs as well.
This September, Mad Fish SEO worked with Direction Services to help put school supplies into the hands of kids at risk of not having any this year.
“For both me and the entire staff at Mad Fish SEO, education has been such a powerfully important part of our lives. When we heard that families who struggle each month to cover doctor bills and basic living expenses were not going to be able to get simple school supplies for their kids, it motivated us to provide help,” said Mad Fish SEO founder Ben Herman.
The organization does not charge families for this support. They rely on private and public donations to continue to provide their service. If you’d like to learn more how you or your organization can help Direction Service, I invite you to contact them at www.directionservice.org or (541) 686-5060.