There has been mixed reviews of Facebook’s Timeline for brand pages. While the upgrade adds some new functionality for content distribution, many marketers are still complaining.
In essence, the Timeline forces community managers to have an actual content strategy. Before, it was as simple as slapping a fan gate or default page with some cheesy offer to generate fans. Was this really valuable for branding or conversions? Yes, you gained those 10,000 likes and your boss took you out for a beer, but how valuable was that community built off of bribes?
There is always a time and place for special offers. The social audience has evolved and been jaded by brands overselling via their Facebook Newsfeeds. The awesome thing about Timeline is the fact that your brand is forced into telling a real story with authenticity. Now, more than ever, it is about the social conversation. Fortunately for the creative ones, there are some brilliant new features to amplify good content. Here are 5 ways you can win with the new Facebook Timeline.
Sexy Storytelling
Photos show up much larger than before, with Timeline. Adding more photos to accommodate content can be a good way to increase engagement.
Posting Photos
Simply upload your photo and add a comment to spark participation. Sneak in a link for an added bonus and gain some referral traffic.
Keep It Fresh
Keep your cover photo fresh and relevant. Create a motif that aligns with your brand’s image and swap it out weekly. This is a very simple yet effective method to entice users to come back regularly.
Cover Photo
Create a custom graphic to represent you brand (851 x 315 pixels).
Amplify Your Attributes
Two awesome features allow you to make more engaging content stand out:
Pinned Posts
Pin content by selecting ‘Pin to Top’ from the drop-down menu of the ‘Edit’ button.
Highlighted Posts
Highlight content by clicking the ‘Highlight’ button on the top right of the post.
Expand Your Horizons
The app canvas is now 810 pixels wide. This allows for more functionality and a larger user interface.
Tab Image
Don’t forget to create a custom Tab Image for your app (111 x 74 pixels).
App Canvas
Pay Attention
Take notes from the new Insights. Use this data to optimize your content strategy. Look at what types of content are most engaging and times when your community is most active.
Activity Overview
This data set gives you a bird’s-eye view of your engagement. Think of your Reach on Facebook as a free media spot. Take advantage, craft a creative message and reap the benefits of viral brand exposure.
Page Posts
Evaluate your most successful types of content quickly. Sort the data by Reach, Engaged Users, Talking About This or Visibility.
Have more ways to win with Facebook Timeline? Leave your suggestions in the comments below.