A large private college with multiple campuses nationwide came to Mad Fish Digital for comprehensive digital marketing services. This respected institution looked to increase enrollment through increased brand awareness. Their goal was to increase college application submissions over time.
The Strategy
Mad Fish Digital executed a comprehensive strategy that included technical SEO, content marketing, email nurture campaigns and paid advertising. The paid advertising strategy included search and display advertising on multiple platforms. AdWords display campaigns offer many audiences and targeting options which is well suited for highly targeted higher education advertising. However, testing is crucial to ensure success.
We set out testing bidding strategies with the goal to increase conversions while reducing the cost per clicks. We specifically tested smart bidding strategies in Google AdWords.
The Results
Since testing bidding strategies for display ads, we generated a 600% increase in potential student leads and reduced their cost per lead by 67.15% (a savings of ~$465/lead).
Armed with these results, we were able to allocate marketing dollars to these highly effective display ad campaigns and continue to grow on the success of these tests.
Read how Mad Fish Digital increased a client’s leads by 700% or how we increased e-commerce transactions by 35%.
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